Tuesday, February 15, 2011

i always wonder what my life would be like if we never met

sometimes i'm afraid about the things we can't change will end up changing us. but then every morning i wake up and i realize i love u more than the day before. it's how ur words and actions make me believe that u're the person i've been searching for. when u hold my hand, i wanted nothing more than to hold it forever. here i confess; i don't really fall in love a lot, but when i do i fall really hard, so i hope u can handle it..i wanna be the girl who u seek in every crowd, sitting next to u doing absolutely nothing means absolutely everything to me, i don't want u to like/love any other girl, i want all of u forever, u and me everyday. and if i could be with anyone, it'd still be u. being with u is a process of learning that it's not about having a perfect relationship, but it's about finding someone who matches u and will be there for u through everything without giving up. it's not that everything's going so smooth, but then we solved every single thing.

ur calming words somehow helped to stop my anger. with u, i learnt how it is better to tell a truth and make someone cry than tell a lie and make someone smile. the way u treat me is out of the ordinary, and i love it. the quote "missing someone isn't about how long it's been since you've seen them or the amount of time since you've talked. it's about that very moment when u're doing something and wishing they were right there with u" definitely explains about how my situation is when i'm missing u. yes, i was infatuated with u. i am still. no one has ever heightened such a keen capacity of physical sensation in me. i want u to be the first person i wake up to and the last person i sleep to, so i can dream of us and make these dreams a real day.

okay.. i could fill a thousand pages telling u these awesome things i feel for u but still u wouldn't understand. it's just indescribable. the thing is: i want u and us to stay.

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