Monday, October 18, 2010

Strength like a stone, u were the hammer. The only one who could fix all my lost, loose screws.

I want a boy who will tell me when I'm being stupid. Who won't baby me with his words. A boy who will still give time to his friends. A boy who will say no. He will watch stupid movies with me, but makes me watch his favorites also. A boy who's willing to drop everything to be with me, but know when to let it be. A boy who will know he's important to me, but won't mind when I change my plans to help someone out. I want a boy who's enjoyable to look at, but he doesn't have to be gorgeous. I just want someone who I can pay attention to. A boy who will randomly bring me food, cause he knows I love to eat. A boy who can make jokes about me, a boy that I can laugh with. Someone who won't mind when I even embarrass myself. Someone who doesn't do everything I ask but when it comes to something important I can count on him to be there. Someone who I don't feel threatened by. A boy who has other friends that are girls, but I can trust him when he's with them. A boy who will know when to leave me alone when I have my stupid fits. A boy who I can just sit with. A boy who is not shy to show me that he loves me too much, that he can't even explain it. A boy who always calm me down, who always gives me serenity, and the one who will never fail to convince me that everything will stay the same with just a simple sentence on the chat. A boy who could turn my world upside down, simply make me feel alive. I don't need the whole fairy tale deal; I just want to feel comfortable.

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